#TrumpShutdown takes over Twitter after Donald Trump’s latest stupidity

Donald Trump blew it on Friday night, revealing that he has no idea how to negotiate a deal, even as both parties were working to try to hand him an easy way out of his own mess. The federal government has now been shut down, just one year into Trump’s failed presidency, because he has no clue what he’s doing. There is also no question that Trump is being blamed for the debacle by the public.

Throughout the evening, the hashtag #TrumpShutdown has been the number one trending topic on Twitter. Pro-Trump forces had previously tried to push the hashtag #SchumerShutdown up the trending list, but this proved futile because too few Americans actually believe the idea that this is somehow the fault of Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer. Instead the blame is falling squarely on Trump and his Republican Party, which holds the majority. Accordingly, #GOPShutdown is also climbing the trending topics list.

Those using the #TrumpShutdown hashtag weren’t holding back. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi tweeted “Before he took office, Donald Trump was happy to say the president owns the blame for a government shutdown. As President, he blames Democrats. That tells you all you need to know.” Let America Vote president Jason Kander quipped “The President said he was going to run America like his businesses. Apparently we have reached the part where he would usually just declare bankruptcy and run away.”

Former Attorney General Eric Holder came out swinging: “Republicans in safe gerrymandered seats can vote for #TrumpShutdown in spite of what their constituents want. Polls show American people overwhelmingly are for #Dreamers AND for CHIP health care for kids. We will fight for fair redistricting.” Musician and activist John Legend pointed to the racist motivations behind Donald Trump’s refusal to cut a deal to keep the government open: “The reason the government shutdown is that Trump and his team have an ideological commitment to allowing fewer black and brown people into the country.”

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