Rudy Giuliani suffers bizarre Twitter malfunction

At this point Rudy Giuliani is pretty much a walking, talking malfunction. In fact he no longer appears to be able to walk or talk; when he showed up to a recent interview with New York Magazine, he drooled all over himself while talking, and then walked into a wall. So it makes sense that the swiftly-declining Rudy would begin malfunctioning on Twitter as well.
Here’s what Rudy tweeted last night: “The large majority of the” โย and that’s it. That’s the end of the tweet. Obviously he hit the “send” button by accident before he was done, which is something that happens to us all on occasion. It wasn’t surprising that Rudy ended up deleting the errant tweet. The thing is, he never did go back and fix or replace it.
Have any of you ever accidentally hit “send” part way through a tweet, and then gone back and deleted it, but then never bothered to complete the thought? What large majority was Rudy talking about? He must have forgotten what he was talking about entirely.
Of course this is the same Rudy Giuliani who tweeted a photograph of Christ-in-manger figurines โ which included a figurine of a modern day Golden Retriever โ and then appeared to claim that it was an actual photograph taken of Christ’s birth. Rudy is so far gone at this point, you really have to wonder if a judge will rule that he’s mentally competent to stand trial, or if he’ll be taken straight to a mental health treatment facility.