Donald Trump goes off the Twitter deep end

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Donald Trump’s three most recent public appearances have been disastrous. Each time he addresses the nation about the coronavirus crisis, the nation becomes even more concerned that Trump has no idea what he’s doing. Trump isn’t faring much better on Twitter.

For instance, this morning Donald Trump started off the day by tweeting “Larry, I am not surprised that Candace was great. I would only be surprised if she wasn’t great!” He was referring to a couple of his sycophants, under the mistaken belief that this kind of nonsense is appropriate during a pandemic. Then Trump tried to get his real message across by screaming “BIGGEST STOCK MARKET RISE IN HISTORY YESTERDAY!” That’s cute, but yesterday came in the midst of one of the worst months the market has ever had.

Trump then tried to turn his attention to the matter at hand, while also unwittingly reminding us all how illiterate he is, when he promised to deliver a “full report latter” on the coronavirus. Can this guy spell anything correctly? By the time he screamed “SOCIAL DISTANCING!” in all capital letters – the only useful thing he said all day – everyone simply began pointing out that he spent his press conference yesterday shaking hands with people.

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