Turns out these MAGA loons are even further gone than we thought

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Have you heard of the Shadow government? The shadow government is a secret group of people who are our TRUE leaders. These “shadow people” are the ones who really run our government; they are nameless. Nobody knows much except that they exist and have more power than one could ever imagine.

These people are above being scrutinized. They’re a “secret society,” if you will, who shall forever remain nameless. They are monarchs behind the scenes, and everyone is subservient to them, including Congress and the President.

Nobody knows who these nameless people are though there is much speculation and a whole lot of guessing. This shadow government does not exist. Of course, it doesn’t. It is, however, a conspiracy theory — one that’s been around for years, way before the Maga movement.

But the myth of the shadow government is here again — and it’s inserted its way into Maga-land. It was inevitable I suppose, that these two creatures would meet. If any group of people was primed and ready to believe this its Maga.

Some of them are speaking out. And they say this belief is because Republicans are secretly working with Democrats — that they’re “in it together.” Congress, they argue, is useless — not when other people make the decisions.

And Maga is hopping mad about it. This is why some are openly talking about abandoning the Republican Party. Some say it does no good to vote when their vote holds no meaning. “Do something” has become the magic mantra. They need to explain however, what it is they want the Republicans to do. They rarely do.

Conspiracy theories have been here since the beginning of time. The shadow government theory is particularly insidious because there is no way to dispel the notion. Because nobody knows who makes up this secret society, there is no way to shatter the myth.

Let’s say, for example, that someone says the earth is flat. Well — we have evidence that it’s not. Of course, some refuse to believe the evidence, but at least we have it.

With many in the Maga world believing in this mysterious shadow government, how do republicans convince their voters that this myth is not real? It seems they can’t.

I’m not sure Republicans know how much paranoia some of their voters are feeling right now. Do they hear the whispers? Do they know and understand that some of their voters — and not one or two either — a whole heck of a lot of them — are openly showing contempt for Republicans, talking about how voting no longer matters?

Republicans, of course, have themselves to blame in a way for this thinking. They’re too busy fighting race wars and wars against women to take a look at their voters and see their malcontent. That might help us lots in 2024.

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