Turns out the third time is not the charm

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As if the GOP did not have enough drama on their hands, there’s another little morsel in plain sight, and it’s shaping up to be a doozy. There appears to be a little problem with the third Republican presidential debate that’s coming up in December. The problem is that there may be only three people on stage.

Whenever there is a debate, the Republican qualifications to meet the threshold get slightly tighter. As of right now, it appears only a few candidates who have qualified. Nikki Haley is one. Chris Christie also claims to have qualified as has DeSantis. But what of the others? It’s such a crowded field.

Donald Trump, of course, qualified, but he refuses to debate because he’s a senile coward. Then there’s Vivek, a man whose hair could give Matt Gaetz a run for his money. Vivek is starting to murmur about missing the next debate too because Donald Trump is missing it and it seems whatever Trump does, Vivek must also do.

Tim Scott still needs to qualify. As of right now, it doesn’t look good for the Maga wanna-be. Pence is up in the air right now. The governor of North Dakota has not qualified as of yet. That doesn’t mean some of these people won’t eventually qualify but there are no guarantees, and time is running out.

So right now, the stage will be much emptier. That could be very amusing. Imagine a stage with just Pudding fingers, Nikki who likes to babble about curtains and Chris Christie who likes to verbally destroy any and all candidates.

A debate of three — especially THESE three could make for interesting television as they would no doubt squabble all through the debate, showing the American people once again what an incompetent bunch of tools they are.

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