Turns out the DOJ secretly carried out a warrant against Trump lawyer John Eastman

Last week, even as the January 6th Committee was preparing to hold public hearings incriminating Trump DOJ official Jeffrey Clark, the news broke that the DOJ had executed a search and seizure warrant at Clark’s home the day before. In that same timeframe, the DOJ also seized the cellphone of the Nevada Republican Party Chair, and subpoenaed numerous fake electors.

At the time, we pointed out that when these kinds of stories surface in the media, they tend to only be a fraction of what’s actually going on, and the rest of the story only comes out later. Sure enough, CNN is now reporting that the DOJ also carried out a search and seizure warrant against Trump election attorney John Eastman on that same day.

Interestingly, the Eastman news is only becoming public because Eastman himself is complaining about it, while the Clark news only appeared to become public for similar reasons. The DOJ itself does not tend to make these kinds of law enforcement actions public until it brings indictments. Anything that leaks out ahead of time is usually only because the target runs to the media, or a neighbor sees the Feds outside a target’s home, or something along those lines.

This points to Clark and Eastman both being criminal targets. It further suggests that the DOJ is criminally targeting all of Trump’s top underlings, in an effort to pressure one or more of them into flipping on him. If the DOJ is going to charge Trump, it would typically want one or more inside witnesses testifying against him, in order to ensure high odds of conviction.

Further, there is still there realistic possibility that the DOJ carried out even more law enforcement action against Donald Trump’s people last week. We’ll see if even more ends up leaking out about this.

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