Turns out Ron DeSantis allegedly got the debate questions in advance and STILL managed to embarrass himself

When California Governor Gavin Newsom agreed to debate Ron DeSantis with Fox News host Sean Hannity as a moderator, Newsom knew he was entering the lion’s den. Newsom was confident he’d come out of it with a clear victory, no matter what antics DeSantis or Hannity might pull – and Newsom did. But now it turns out there were apparently antics aplenty.

Hannity was reading his questions off a teleprompter. Now Newsom’s camp says it’s belatedly discovered that Hannity’s teleprompter was placed within DeSantis’ line of sight, thus allowing DeSantis to know the questions before they were asked, giving him extra time to come up with his answers. DeSantis also apparently consulted with his wife during a bathroom break early on in the debate, which was also against the rules.

In other words Ron DeSantis apparently knew the questions before they were asked, and he may have consulted with his wife for help during the debate, and he still came off like an overmatched clueless creepy weirdo. That’s a special kind of failure.

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