Turns out “Joementum” is real

Guess what, dear readers? President Biden’s poll numbers are increasing, and he’s doing well. If you’re thinking, “No shit, Sherlock,” believe me, you’re not alone. But that first sentence I wrote? Many in the media, ONLY THIS WEEK, have been saying that.
It’s like they all caught the talking points bouquet simultaneously. With beaming smiles and wonder in their voices, some pundits are saying THIS JUST HAPPENED. Of course, if you read Palmer Report, you know that it did not just happen. We have been talking about this for months, showing you poll after poll after poll. It seems that some on TV did not get the message.
The most recent poll is a Marist/PBS Newshour poll, and the news is greatโPresident Biden has gone over fifty percent! In this new poll, he leads Donald Traitor Trump 51 percent to 48 percent.
HOWEVER — however, and I want to emphasize this — when the same poll only includes those who say they will definitely vote this year — the numbers go even HIGHER for President Biden, with him leading Trump by 53 to 47 percent.
It also appears that RFK Junior is taking more votes from Trump than Biden, which is yet another thing Palmer Report has pointed out. But suddenly, shocked faces on TV abound! What is going on, these pundits whisper, like they just found out there is indeed life on Mars.
Even now, many pundits are not giving President Biden full credit, interspersing their chit-chat with little digs like: “slightly ahead” or ” for now.” But all the media spin can’t stop what’s happening.
Joementum. It’s alive, it’s kicking, it’s out there, and it’s coming for a voter near YOU.
Joementum. It’s all around. The number of people saying the economy is looking good is also ticking up. Joementum. Joementum. Joementum.
Joementum is all around us. Like vivid cup-shaped rose petals bursting into bloom, Joementum has fully blossomed, is here and it looks like it will stay awhile.
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