Turns out Jared Kushner was behind it all

Anyone who’s paying attention in New York City knows that the need for ventilators is real, and that people are dying because the Trump regime has refused to send most of FEMA’s ventilators to the city. Donald Trump keeps insisting in press conferences that he somehow knows more about the ventilator situation than New York Governor Andrew Cuomo does, and now we know where Trump got that nonsense from.
Vanity Fair is reporting that Jared Kushner did his own math and determined that New York City can’t possibly need as many ventilators as it says it needs. That’s right, Donald Trump’s idiot son-in-law is sitting there with a spreadsheet and a calculator, trying to figure out things that he has no understanding of, and Trump is making life and death decisions based on what this idiot is coming up with.
Donald Trump is already guilty of felony negligent homicide for using his office to spread lies, which he knew would lead to more people catching this virus than necessary. Trump has also confessed to intentional homicide when he admitted that he’s refusing to work with Michigan and Washington because he doesn’t like their governors. Now we know that Trump is listening to his idiot son-in-law instead of people with brains when it comes to distributing medical equipment. If Trump loses the election he will, obviously, spend the rest of his miserable life in prison.