Tucker Carlson has January 6th freak out as it all starts to come out

Tucker Carlson. What does that name make you feel? For me, I feel disgust, repulsion, and anger. I recently wrote an article for Palmer Report calling him a cult leader, which he is in essence. How many people have been sickened with Covid because of his idiotic statements? How many have died?

And now Tucker has made a revelation. And it is a surprising one. The revelation occurred on the Fourth Watch podcast on Thursday of this past week. So what WAS this confession? Did Tucker come out as a Democrat? Did he admit what a moron he is? No such luck.

Instead, Tucker revealed that one of his children was in the Capitol during the insurrection: “I hated what happened on January 6. One of my kids was actually in the building when it happened,” Tucker said. “I was on the phone in real-time,” he added.

But Tucker was not yet done with his confessions. He went on to say he felt the media had exaggerated the whole of what took place that deadly day. In fact, Tucker claims the media’s lies were what inspired him to make his nauseating series “patriot purge.”

“Anyone who calls January 6 an insurrection is a liar at this point,” the liar said. So many questions! For example, which of Tucker’s children was the one in the Capitol? Did Tucker tell anybody this before? Is he referring to his kid who works for Congressman Jim Banks?

As for his repulsive statement saying January 6 was not an insurrection, I dare him to say that to the Capitol Police — and the families of the injured and the dead. He will not, of course, because Tucker, like all cult leaders, is a coward at heart. They can only surround themselves with those who love them.

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