#trumpisnotwell begins trending as everyone piles on about Donald Trump’s collapsing health

During his West Point speech today, we learned that Donald Trump’s right arm no longer works. We learned that he now has to walk in baby steps just to get down a slightly elevated ramp. And we were reminded that each time Trump appears in public, he comes off as more lifeless, frail, and confused.
Trump’s alarming condition today has prompted the hashtag #trumpisnotwell to begin trending, because it’s becoming increasingly clear that Trump’s physical and cognitive health are failing in real time. Medical professionals who have observed Trump from afar are asking if he’s had a stroke, or if he’s suffering from a worsening neurological condition.
Speculation is fair game at this point, because Donald Trump is refusing to let a legitimate doctor examine him, and he’s still refusing to reveal the real reason he was rushed to Walter Reed Medical Center a few months back. Ever since that incident, Trump’s physical and mental health have been in decline. It’s time we had answers.