Tricky Nikki Haley is at it again

There were always going to be Republican 2024 presidential candidates other than Trump. As many of us at Palmer Report has stated, Trump is over. And one republican who appears to know that is Nikki Haley.

Ah, Nikki — she wants to be President. She has probably been dreaming of the day she could announce. And reportedly, that day is soon to arrive. An invitation has gone out to Haley allies which teases a “special announcement.” Haley is not going to announce a new baking recipe. No. She will indeed announce a run for President.

Haley is someone who has infuriated the democratic party, including myself. The reason for that is because she is a living, walking, talking mirage. What do I mean by that? A mirage is something that does not exist. It is a hallucination. That’s Haley in a nutshell.

The real Haley is someone very few people see. She is very good at being whomever people want her to be at any given moment. The real Haley is buried somewhere under the exterior of that optical illusion she so smilingly presents to the people at large.

Haley was for Trump — no, she was against Trump. The woman has flip-flopped more times than a fish in a net. Nothing she says can ever be taken as truth, and she has an apparent delight in performative camera hijinks. She is as slithery and as tricky as any candidate ever was.

I do not expect her to fare well in this Republican race simply because she is a phantom, anxiously scrutinizing the public for just the right words and smiles. She never gives of herself; the public cannot know her, and I am not so sure she even knows herself. Haley may get a few votes, but it is doubtful she will ever be the nominee and she has only herself — her vague, illusory self — to blame for that.

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