Tom Cotton just stepped in it

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Tom Cotton of Arkansas is one of the dumber members of the Senate. A Maga Republican through and through, one could write a book of all the silly things he’s said and done. But Cotton, in his new book (which I will not name) reveals that he is even stupider than we all gave him credit for.

Cotton writes about Donald Trump’s impeachment trial — and how he purposely ignored all the evidence. In fact, Cotton actually brags that he “pretended” to be deeply engrossed in materials relevant to the impeachment — but was actually “hiding” his real reading material under “a fake cover.”

Just the kind of guy we want in the Senate, yes? Cotton explains in detail his purposeful shirking of the rule of law: “My aides” Cotton muses “delivered a steady flow of papers and photocopied books, hidden underneath a fancy cover sheet labeled supplemental impeachment materials so nosy reports sitting above us in the Senate gallery couldn’t see what I was reading.”

How lovely, Senator Cotton! It is good to see you take the rule of law so very seriously. Now Cotton is not the only Republican not to pay attention. Many in the GOP doodled and shifted their feet, fidgeted, stared at their cell phones, and did other things to show their contempt for the long arm of the law.

But Cotton’s taken it one step further. The idiot is bragging about it. And there is good news in that regard. This will eliminate him from presidential connection if the man actually runs in 2024. You can bet it will be brought up.

Not that Cotton had much of a chance before this. The man is a bit slow on the uptake, which we’ve seen repeatedly.But it’s good; I suppose to see that he is admitting what we already knew — that he couldn’t give a damn about anything except his own quest for power.

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