Told you Trump’s Chick-Fil-A visit was a setup

When Donald Trump waddled into a Chick-Fil-A in Atlanta this past week and feebly ordered milkshakes for customers, the whole thing felt more than a little off. Not one customer in the restaurant seemed to have a problem with Trump being there at all. Even in a place like Chick-Fil-A, what were the odds that 100% of the people inside just happened to be pro-Trump?

We said the whole thing felt like one big setup. Now it’s starting to look like precisely that. It turns out the “random” customer who hugged Trump was instead a Republican consultant with strong ties to the Georgia GOP. What are the odds that she just randomly happened to be eating in the same Chick-Fil-A that Trump happened to walk into?

In other words, it’s pretty obvious that Trump’s attempt at a viral moment – walking into a restaurant and getting a hug from a Black woman who happened to be eating there – was indeed staged. This raises additional questions about what all else was staged about the visit. When it comes to Trump, these things are simply never authentic.

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