We told you Donald Trump was about to dump Scott Pruitt – and now it’s official

Donald Trump just announced that he’s accepted the resignation of his corrupt and controversial EPA boss Scott Pruitt. That’s a polite way of saying that Pruitt was fired, as cabinet members always “resign” when they’re ousted. This comes after Pruitt’s various scandals had dragged on for several months. Many observers are characterizing Pruitt’s ouster today as a surprise. But if you’ve been reading Palmer Report this week, you knew this was coming.

Two days ago, dirt began leaking about Scott Pruitt that could only have come from Trump himself. The story went that Pruitt had asked Trump to appoint him as Attorney General in place of Jeff Sessions. Here’s how Palmer Report characterized the development at the time:

“There is no logical reason why Scott Pruitt would leak that he unsuccessfully lobbied Donald Trump to install him in place of Jeff Sessions. However, there is a very logical reason why Trump would leak this: to make Pruitt look like he’s power-mad and out of control, as a precursor for forcing him out. While this is still developing, it sure looks like Trump has decided to sacrifice Pruitt after all, in order to make Pruitt’s scandals go away, and Trump is softening up the ground first.”

Sure enough, thirty-six hours after we wrote that, Scott Pruitt is officially a goner. Here’s how Donald Trump explained it in a tweet just now: “I have accepted the resignation of Scott Pruitt as the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency. Within the Agency Scott has done an outstanding job, and I will always be thankful to him for this.” Trump can spin this however he wants, but the media and the Resistance forced his hand by placing continuous focus on Pruitt’s scandals until Trump had no choice but to sacrifice him.

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