Today is desperation day for Donald Trump and Mark Meadows

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It’s been said that if at first you don’t succeed, try try again. It’s also been said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. At the intersection of those two adages you’ll find Donald Trump and Mark Meadows, delusionally hoping that they can topple a brick wall by continuing to throw eggs at it. Today is getting particularly desperate for them.

When Mark Meadows first filed a request to have his Fulton County trial moved to federal court, Palmer Report pointed out that his odds of winning this were very small, he didn’t have much to gain if he did win it, and it was likely to backfire on him. Sure enough, he lost the ruling, it didn’t delay his trial by a single day, and he got caught committing perjury along the way. But Meadows isn’t done being stupid.

Today Meadows filed a request to have his Fulton County case paused while he appeals the ruling he just lost to have his case moved to federal court. The odds of this being granted are right around zero. Meadows will be allowed to file an appeal (you can always file an appeal), but the courts aren’t going to pause or delay anything while he’s losing that appeal. This once again won’t delay Meadows’ trial date by a single day.

This comes even as Donald Trump filed a motion today seeking the recusal of Judge Tanya Chutkin in his federal criminal trial. This motion has a 100% chance of failing. It won’t delay his trial by a single day. And it won’t help him any on appeal.

With Trump and Meadows, these are both instances of a desperate client yelling “Do something” and his attorneys saying “Okay we can try this filing but it won’t do anything to help” and the client saying “Do it anyway!”

Not only will these nonsense filings do literally nothing to help Trump or Meadows, the filings are proof that these guys don’t have any actual strategies. When you’re skipping straight to nonsense moves aimed at giving yourself the comforting illusion that you’re fighting back and still have some control over what’s going on, it means you’ve already given up any hope of finding an actual way to fight back. These kinds of pointless filings don’t represent a resolve to fight and win. They’re a signal of surrender.

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