Donald Trump and his handlers are in a tizzy over this

With the conclusion of the Democratic National Convention, we are only days away from Donald Trump’s attempt to match it. If history is key, we can be sure to watch Melania Trump repeat, verbatim, every word that that Michelle Obama spoke a few days earlier. The sad thing is that there is a very good likelihood that Trump supporters would proclaim Melania’s plagiarism as the best speech in history. There’s also the high probability that someone in the media, looking at you Van Jones, will state “This is when Melania became a real first lady.”

The facts are clear – the DNC was phenomenal and likely changed future conventions, even after President Biden gets coronavirus under control and we can go back to living a more typical life. Republicans are now struggling to come up with any sort of rebuttal. Their headlining speakers are simply washed up actors and a couple who pulled guns on peaceful protestors and got arrested.

Suffice it to say, Republicans are in a tizzy and have no idea how to counter the impressive show put on by Democrats. If history is to be used to forecast how next week will go, we are likely to see hours upon hours of Trump just spewing lies, gaslighting, and fear mongering every night. While those running the show will likely do their best to keep Trump off stage until the last night, we know that nobody is capable of containing Trump when he needs his ego stroked by ignorant racists.

Considering that this is occurring during a dangerous pandemic, and that the massive loss of life falls directly on Trump’s incompetence and apathy, nobody should feel sorry for Trump when he is not able to hold a massive hate rally. While anything can happen next week, and we’re sure to witness more racism than a KKK rally, it’ll be important to contrast the hope and empathy shown during the Democratic National Convention with the hate and lies we’re about to witness.

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