Tinker, Tailor, Trumper Spy

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It seems incredible that we are living through such times, does it not, friends and readers? This is what we’ve been waiting for. This is IT. But it still seems surreal. A former President is sharing and stealing and hiding the most valued and precious secrets — America’s secrets.

Trump tinkered with America. And now he must pay the price. Former FBI Director Andrew McCabe said that Trump’s pattern of behavior was a “horrific danger” to national security and to the people who work in it. And McCabe said the indictment was “extraordinary.”

“I’ve never seen an indictment with this level of granularity, detail, the photographs” McCabe said. This is what everybody is saying. Palm Beach State attorney Dave Aronberg thanked Jack Smith, calling his actions “a gangsta move.”

MSNBC Host Lawrence O’Donnell said these are very serious charges, especially since the Smith team has Trump himself on tape talking about the documents. Indeed everyone is in agreement, it would seem.

“History is being made,” Laurence Tribe said on Twitter. Rachel Maddow says it still shocks her that Trump was ever president at all. Mary Trump tweeted: “My feelings are complicated — hopefully, this is the beginning of holding Donald accountable for his crimes against America.”

The trial will likely happen fairly soon. Florida reportedly has a “rocket docket” and they are known to move cases along expediently. In the meantime, we wait. We wait to see the price Trump will pay for his vile actions.

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