Donald Trump is up there talking about the Tiger King. This is the press conference from hell.

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In fairness to Donald Trump, it was a reporter in the room who (ridiculously) brought up the topic to begin with. But by the time Trump was on stage answering a question about the Tiger King of all people, it couldn’t have been a more fitting moment for just how ridiculous these press conferences are.

CNN, to its partial credit, refused to air the first minutes of Trump’s press briefing today before finally relenting and putting him on the air. That was a mistake. At one point Trump appeared to claim that zinc – a common element found in most multivitamins – is somehow a cure for coronavirus. MSNBC then cut away to ask a doctor what Trump might have been talking about, and the doctor flatly said “I don’t know.”

Meanwhile, Democratic nominee Joe Biden held a press briefing / roundtable event himself today, which wasn’t aired on cable news but did air online. Biden used the event to drop a big hint about Kamala Harris.

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