Throw the book at Ron DeSantis

As you know, friends and readers, one of my biggest heartbreaks over republicans is the banning of books. As I’ve mentioned — reading has always been my magical world, it’s where I happily ran to as a child and still run to as an adult.

Reading was and is my Narnia, my beautiful rose petals that taught and teach me about love, beauty, and knowledge. And to see what Governors like Ron DeSantis have done regarding the banning of books has curdled my blood. And in that regard, I have two pieces of news about the Floridian book thief.

First off, there is a potential scandal going on that not many are talking about. Brian Covey is a teacher in Florida. He was one of the people who posted a video showing the empty and sad bookshelves at Florida schools. He’s been fired.

Covey is a substitute math teacher for a middle school in Jacksonville. DeSantis said this video was a “fake narrative.” Covey was fired only days after posting that video and was told that he was fired because he violated their social media and cell phone rules.

“Freedom to read” is an anti-book banning group, and they spoke out about this firing. They said that if teachers become afraid that being honest about what’s going on could possibly cause them to lose their jobs, how can we have full transparency?

This is all true. But here is the second piece of news. Reportedly Ron DeSantis is close to deciding whether to run for president in the 2024 election. Now, I think, of course, Ron will run. He is power-hungry, so he won’t be able to resist. And this will be our chance. It will be our chance to make sure DeSantis is vanquished. And we can do it because I doubt DeSantis has any idea what he’s getting himself into.

We must portray him as the creepy goofball he is. We have to show how out of the mainstream his views are, like we did with Larry Elder, Herscel Walker and many others. And we will need to paint a portrait of this man, showing him for who he is. One needs to ask themselves what kind of soulless person bans books. What type of crazy control issues must someone like this have?

Ron will crash and burn, so in a way I’m looking forward to his announcement. DeSantis has no idea what he’s wading into. None. He has no idea of the of the dirt about to be flung at him, the storm that’s hovering around him and the unsavory and tyrannical things he’s done that now he will be forced to answer for.

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