Three strikes and you’re out

There is a lot of crap on social media, to be sure, but occasionally — very occasionally, one finds the opposite. Good, intelligent questions that are asked logically and reasonably. That is what I found the other night. It is a question for ALL of us to ponder.

How is it that right now, the three biggest Republicans in the news share one thing that binds them all together, one thing that the American people really should know about? That is the pesky little fact that each of these three men has some skeletons in their closets — skeletons of the pasty — skeletons involving — accusations.

Yes, these three have all had accusations made about — abuse. Yes, and these alleged abuse complaints have all involved — sexual assault. See where this is going?

Let’s start with Matt Gaetz. Matt Gaetz is the man who started this whole speaker nightmare. He seemed to carry a grudge against Kevin for not doing more for him when he had an FBI investigation going on against him regarding underage girls.

Now that investigation was dropped. However, the memories linger on. The fact is Matt Gaetz was the subject of an FBI investigation into his activities. These activities regarded underage girls, Venmo payments and some really disgusting sexual allegations.

Gym Jordan. Gym is accused of turning his back on his students when they came to him. Gym was not interested in helping these boys. Gym turned his back on these students in their hour of need. Gym has a movie coming out ABOUT this whole sordid story — involving, for course, alleged sexual assault.

Three strikes, and you’re out. All roads lead to Republican number three. That is Donald John Trump. Donald is a misogynist, a woman hater, and is GUILTY OF SEXUAL ASSAULT and rape; as said by the jury—Donald Trump is the ultimate in women hating.

So now, let’s take a good long look at the GOP — at the biggest ones in the news right now — Gaetz, Jordan, and Trump. See the common thread? They are a bunch of utterly amoral creeps. They hate women, girls, and themselves.

THESE three men are the Republican representatives, the ones who represent the GOP. Hear that, middle-of-the-road t WOMEN voters? See what your choices are. This miserable array of Republican creeps and women haters have no place in the leadership world. Their actions and words have spoken. They have told us that when it comes to leadership, all have flunked THAT test.

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