This Donald Trump – Kellyanne Conway – George Conway three ring circus isn’t what you think it is

One of Donald Trump’s relatively few life skills is that he’s really good at creating comparatively harmless scandals about himself in order to distract us from his more damaging scandals. Now that Trump has finally thrown his full weight into the escalating debacle between Kellyanne Conway and George Conway, a lot of people think he’s doing it again. I’m here to tell you, that’s not what’s going on here.

Here’s what Donald Trump tweeted today: “George Conway, often referred to as Mr. Kellyanne Conway by those who know him, is VERY jealous of his wife’s success & angry that I, with her help, didn’t give him the job he so desperately wanted. I barely know him but just take a look, a stone cold LOSER & husband from hell!”

Wait, are we supposed to believe this is somehow helping Donald Trump? What exactly is this distracting us from? It’s not as if we’ve forgotten that the Mueller report is about to land on his head. And if we do lose track, Felix Sater will be happy to remind us of the real story when he publicly testifies against Trump a week from today.

Donald Trump is lashing out at George Conway for the same reason he’s lashing out at John McCain. Trump is taking on water from all sides, and it’s gotten so bad for him, that even his delusionally broken mind can see that he’s sinking. This is a guy who’s taking out his frustrations in any direction he can, because he’s just that exasperated about his own impending downfall. There’s no strategy here. Not anymore. Trump just knows he’s losing and he doesn’t like it.

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