Three blind mice

Palmer Report fundraising drive: Contribute now

This is the tale of three blind mice, and a little town called Pickens. These mice are not the ones in the nursery rhyme. .However, there is no denying that these three mice are quite capable of running like hell when they need to.

Pickens, South Carolina is where the mice are heading. Pickens is a little community in South Carolina. And I do mean little. The current population is 3,371. But this Saturday, at least for a few hours, three more names will be added to the population.

And it’s going to be a hot one! It’s 85 degrees there as I write this. Over the weekend, temps will climb into the nineties, making the air soft, buttery, and VERY humid. And for this Saturday, a special event will be held in Pickens. Who are those mice? Well — one of them is Donald Trump.

That’s right. The traitor is heading to Pickens, where he undoubtedly hopes to receive fond applause from attendees of his delightful event. But it isn’t just Trump! There is yet another blind mouse, nipping at his heels, who is coming to help his beloved benefactor. See him run?

That would be Lindsey Graham. Oh, people of Pickens, how I feel for you. Graham will be there, alright. The Trump Superfan has continued his devotion to Donald Trump; if anything, this devotion has seemed to become deeper.

But wait! A third mouse is joining them. Who could it be? That would be Governor Henry McMaster, a staunch Pro-lifer and avid trump supporter. Trump once endorsed McMaster, and it seems now he’s prepared to return the favor!

Oh, what a day this will be. Three blind mice scuttling around in hot, smoldering temperatures, begging people to vote for Donald Trump. Thankfully this is one event that most people will not be attending.

Palmer Report fundraising drive: Contribute now