This whole “speedy trial” strategy is already falling apart for Trump world

When Trump co-defendant Kenneth Chesebro filed for a speedy trial in Fulton County, there were a thousand hot takes about how this strategy was somehow magically going to get Donald Trump off the hook. But it seemed pretty obvious that this nonsensical “strategy” was simply a matter of overconfident idiots mistakenly thinking they can magic wand their way out of this, and that the whole thing would just backfire on them.

Sure enough, the whole thing already seems to be falling apart. The courts responded to Chesebro’s request by simply granting it. Now he’s stuck with a speedy trial that’ll merely get him convicted and sent to prison sooner. Sidney Powell has since also filed for a speedy trial. And now John Eastman is apparently about to file for a speedy trial as well.

Because these people are all charged together under RICO, if their speedy trial requests are all granted, they’re all going to be tried together. This means that Chesebro, Powell, and Eastman – three lunatics – will be stuck with each other at trial. Each of them surely thinks of themself as the only sane one, and the others as crackpots. Well now they’re going to have to stand trial together, and get stuck with each other’s wacky lines of defense.

The kicker is that even more of the loony also-rans in this case will likely end up following suit and requesting a speedy trial, just because they see their co-defendants doing it, and they figure there must be something to it. It’s like watching a bunch of idiots following each other off a cliff because one of them came up with the wacky idea that there might be a pot of gold at the bottom.

We’re still waiting for the part where any of this is supposed to magically help Donald Trump. None of the popular theories that have been floated on social media, from discovery on down, actually apply. This is simply a matter of some very dumb people who think of themselves as geniuses because they’ve spent life failing upwards, and as a result they now think they can come up with some simplistic move on the spot that will magically get them off the hook. In reality they’re just sending themselves to prison sooner.

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