This was a great reminder of what we can accomplish

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The battle is far from over, but one of the reasons Justin Jones was sworn back in today, and why Justin Pearson will likely soon be reinstated as well, is that all of you used your voices on this. Never forget the power that you collectively have when it comes to standing up for what’s right.

Do you really think the Nashville city council would have moved this quickly, and decisively, and unanimously, to reinstate Justin Jones if it weren’t for the massive public outcry? The council had to change its own rules in order to move this swiftly. And even the council members representing the few conservative-leaning neighborhoods in the city still voted to reinstate him. It wasn’t a given that this was going to go like this. It was the public uproar that made it so easy for the council to feel comfortable doing this, and would have made it so difficult for the council to not do this.

Remember, these two legislators were expelled for standing up in support of gun reform. They’re not going to back down on gun reform now. We owe it to them to keep pushing the gun reform issue alongside them.

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