This Republican primary is on the verge of becoming amusing

Donald Trump’s stolen election claims were nothing more than a pack of lies, and everybody sane knows it. Of course, many Republicans aren’t sane. So some of them went along with Trump’s big lie for quite a while after Biden won.
It was a nasty, dishonest thing to do, but that’s politics for you. However, karma — when it shows up — can be awfully fun. And Republicans in the next few months — just might be looking at some gigantic, delicious karma.
So here is a scenario. Let’s say Trump doesn’t drop out of the Presidential race. Or let’s say he DOES and runs as a third-party candidate. What will happen if he loses Iowa? It’s a very real possibility. Trump has alienated the Republican governor there, and many Iowans say they’re sick of Mr. Traitor.
So — there is potential for Republican catastrophe here. Let’s say Trump is still in the race when the Iowa caucus comes along. Let’s say he’s still running either on the Republican ticket or the Insurrection ticket; take your pick. And he loses Iowa. He loses it to Christie or to Scott or to someone not even in the race yet. He won’t accept the election results. See where I’m going with this?
Trump has the potential to really screw up the whole Republican primary. If he loses – and it’s a big if — he will tear the GOP to shreds. Then he will cheerfully walk over those shreds and stomp on them.
“The race was rigged!” Can’t you just see Trump saying that?
“I do not concede.” “There were fake ballots. There’s no way Chris Christie won over me.”
“I’m taking it to court.”
Sigh. Paradise. I would actually enjoy the Republicans getting a taste of their own medicine. And there’s a big chance they will because there is no way, no how, that Donald John Trump will EVER concede to anyone ever. This is shaping up to be a pretty amusing primary.