This phony allegation against Joe Biden is completely falling apart in real time

While we should always believe women unless they give us a solid reason not to believe them, the Tara Reade allegation against Joe Biden has always been uniquely non-credible. She’s changed her story repeatedly, in fundamental and self-contradictory ways. Of all the people she’s pointed to as corroborators, it turns out she’s either coached them, and/or they say she’s lying.

Yesterday Joe Biden went on TV and denied the allegation. He also urged the Senate and the National Archives to turn over the records of Reade’s complaint – and when they confirm there are no such records, it’ll demonstrate that she never filed one. Now that the allegation is unraveling in real time, it appears Reade is scrambling.

The Atlantic is now confirming that Reade had an interview scheduled with Fox News host Chris Wallace, but shortly after Joe Biden’s interview aired, Reade abruptly canceled. Reade’s neighbor, who has already given away that Reade coached her as a witness, now says that she watched Biden’s interview and found him “very believable.”

This comes after NBC News reported that Reade has begun deleting some of her older internet posts in which she aligned herself with Vladimir Putin. This all keeps getting more suspicious – and it’s falling apart in real time.

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