This Judge Aileen Cannon scandal is turning into an Agatha Christie novel

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As I pen these words, a significant hearing is unfolding in the state of Florida. This hearing has been initiated by a figure who some may consider to be a “petty, partisan prima-donna.”

Petty, partisan prima donna. Those words above are not my own. These words were not uttered by me, but by Ty Cobb, a former lawyer of Donald Trump, who shared his candid thoughts about the hearing with CNN.

This hearing is about whether Jack Smith should be allowed to stay on as special prosecutor. Cannon held this hearing because Donald Trump ‘s lawyers asked her to.

When Trump calls, Cannon’s morality falls. Cobb was scornful of Cannon as he spoke with CNN: “The law requires that she (Cannon) validate Jack Smith’s appointment and not disqualify him.”

“The worst thing that could happen to her is that she actually does rule for trump on this, because that would go to the 11th circuit, and then I think this petty, partisan prima donna would be put in her place , and they would remove her.”:

Absolutely! Cannon is designing her own fate right now, as Cobb noted, calling the hearing “silly” and “shocking.”

“The reality is, she is slow. And she’s slow on purpose.”

Yes, she is, and more and more people are noticing. And there is something ELSE going on. Have you noticed what a laughing stock cannon has become, my friends? Have you noticed how much has emerged about her?

First, we had outsiders demanding the eleventh circuit remove her. Palmer Report told you about that. Unfortunately, as the eleventh circuit explained, they can’t do anything without the Smith team filing a motion.

But NOW we have the news that high-standing judges spoke TO her and asked her to recuse from the case. Now — how do we, the American people know this? Somebody leaked it.

Yes, we have our own or an Agatha Christie novel going on. Someone, somewhere or perhaps more than one person, strategically WANTED this to come out, WANTED everyone to see the truth about one of the worst and most partisan judges in America.

Who is that person? Unlike at the end of a Christie novel where all is revealed, we may never know. But one thing I do know? No matter what — we win. If Cannon does not remove Smith, that is good—if she DARES to remove him—hello, the eleventh circuit.

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Much thanks,
Bill Palmer
Palmer Report