This isn’t working for Clarence Thomas

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I don’t like fake people. That is to say, people who pretend to be one thing but who are in reality something else entirely. Clarence Thomas — Justice Clarence Thomas – is one of these great pretenders. He would have the world believe he is a humble man of good character. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Thomas poses as one thing but he has been revealed. The image he tries to project doesn’t match his true self. It would be like seeing an enchanting butterfly soaring through the air — and then having that butterfly turn into a gigantic wasp.

Clarence Thomas should never have even BEEN seated on the court. But since he is there now, is too much to expect, that he honor the rule of law? Apparently, in Justice Thomas’s mind, it is because he has shown no sign of offering to recuse in cases related to January 6.

His wife is an insurrectionist. There can be no doubt that Ginni Thomas is caught up in the horrors of that day. How deep her culpability goes is not for me to say. But the public deserves answers.

Ginni Thomas had her fingers in the insurrectionist pie. She was in touch directly with lawmakers to try to overturn the 2020 election. And she has said naught. Her silence speaks volumes. Innocent people, in my opinion, do not NEED silence.

These two people: Clarence and Ginni Thomas, are not immune to the rule of law, although they are sure acting as if they are. And we can’t let them. The rule of law is not applied selectively. If it were, we’d no longer have a democracy. The public has questions, and only she can answer them.

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