This is the definition of insanity

They never EVER learn. I speak, of course, of the GOP. They keep repeating old mistakes. Instead of learning from them, they get more and more dug in. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over. That’s how we know — the GOP is insane.

In the wake of their losses, one would think the GOP would be reflective — quietly contemplative. One would think they would be musing about what went wrong — and how to fix it. One would be wrong. Instead, some in the GOP have come up with a new idea. That idea is raising the voting age to 21 to stop youth voting.

Before I go on, I should stress this won’t happen. But it is shocking to see that not only has the GOP learned nothing, if anything, they have also only become crazier.

The reason several in the GOP want to do this is evident — they lost the youth vote. They lost it bigly. And they can’t handle it. So in their silly little brains, what better way to stop the youth vote than to make it impossible for them to vote?

Kids with guns are just fine with the GOP, but kids voting is not. Many Republicans are now in a rage. They’re grasping at straws, looking at any explanation to explain why they — well — suck. And what makes this even funnier is that several are fighting among themselves because they apparently can not even agree on what that age should be.

Thirty, some GOPers chimed in. No — 25 said others. Still, others insist on age 21. And others say, “until they had life experience.” That’s a hoot. Only republicans do not seem to think so. They are enraged and want something or someone to blame, so why not our youth?

And this, my friends, is why they’re insane. Because they’re doing it again. Instead of learning from their mistakes, they’re repeating them. An asylum might be worth considering for these republicans.

The voting age is going nowhere. However, the other night many republicans went somewhere — home — they were voted out BECAUSE of their insanity. And the more they act like this, the more it’ll keep happening.

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