This is just ugly for Donald Trump and Mo Brooks

Sometimes evil is hiding in plain sight. But for many, they choose not to see such evil. Perhaps they enjoy living in the ocean of denial. Perhaps they misjudge the sting of the creatures that exist, hiding right beneath the surface, watching and waiting for the times to surprise.
But when it gets one in its claws — or tentacles, one knows it. This is exactly what happened with Mo Brooks. Brooks is running for the Senate in Alabama. And originally, he had Donald Trump’s endorsement. But time passed, and things changed. Trump turned against Brooks, calling him: “woke.”
This did not deter Brooks. He even went on MSNBC just a couple of days ago. He appeared optimistic about his chances, boasting that Trump had not yet endorsed his competitor. And he seemed to want to reel Trump back in.
But as the spider could tell the fly — beware of the danger before walking right into the web. Brooks babbled on happily, seemingly determined to get Trump’s attention. He did. Only maybe not the way he wanted.
Trump has come out and made an endorsement in Alabama — to the opponent of Brooks. Play with fire, and you’re gonna get burned. Trump endorsed Katie Britt and, with that endorsement, let Brooks know what he thought of him.
And now Brooks is angry. And he lashed out against assolini saying Trump was “conned” into making the endorsement. Note to Brooks: No, he wasn’t. Trump is the one who DOES the conning. That is not to say he hasn’t been conned himself – he has. But he likely, in my opinion, did this on purpose.
Trump’s a sadistic person, and he likes to pull the wind out from underneath people. So it would stand to reason that he would wait until just the right moment — when Brooks thought he had the wind behind him — and then yank it away –that’s Trump for you. Remember, beware of the evil in plain sight. Brooks wasn’t, and it cost him big time.
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