This is just getting embarrassing for Kari Lake

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I would hate to tell her (which is my culturally idiomatic way of saying I would love to tell her) that Kari Lake lost the election. She claims she didn’t. In case you don’t know, Lake is one of the dwindling number of Big Lie holdouts who insist that not only did Donald Trump win in his bid for re-election in 2020, she also won her race for governor of Arizona in 2022.

I am fairly sure that Kari Lake knows perfectly well that she lost the election. She’s merely a calculating opportunist who, like Donald Trump, was once a Democrat and a liberal. She changes party affiliations the way some people change overcoats.

One day Lake noticed that you can make a lot more money and claw your way to the top a lot faster by pretending to be a bat-shit crazy MAGA clown. So to the shock of people who knew her, this former television news anchor turned fascistic, Trump-licking, wacked-out MAGA politician. And then she became the Republican candidate for governor of Arizona and, with Trump’s kiss-of-death endorsement, she lost to her Democratic opponent Katie Hobbs.

Lake denies that she lost. Without a shred of self-awareness and a boatload of accidental irony, she tweeted, “Arizonans know BS when they see it.” Yes, they certainly do.

It seems Lake didn’t get the memo that almost every other loser in the Republican Party got loud and clear: nobody is buying this election-denying crap any more. Those days are over. You are guaranteed to lose if you go down that corridor. But Lake just doubled down and remains a bitch over troubled water, as it were, for Trump to walk on. And it’s gotten to the point that she is only embarrassing herself.

Now that Donald Trump has defied the wishes of the Republican Party and announced his intention to run for president in 2024, Kari Lake is tipped to be his running mate. They should make a quaint pair running as the election-denying twins. By 2024 election-denying will be as out of fashion as leg-warmers and parachute pants. With Trump heading for likely criminal indictment, the Trump/Lake ticket will be a perfect recipe for failure. They will crash harder and faster than Bitcoin. Their ticket will also delightfully subdivide the failing Republican Party.

There are eight million stories in the naked city of Republican stupidity. This has been one of them. And, as ever, ladies and gentlemen, brothers and sisters, comrades and friends, stay safe.

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