This is going to be ugly for Steve Bannon AND Donald Trump

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The future looks bright — for us, not for Steve Bannon. As Bill Palmer has laid out for you, criminal Steve Bannon was indicted by Merrick Garland’s Justice Department on Friday. The news is that Bannon plans to turn himself in on Monday. Will there perhaps be a perp-walk?

This is such a great moment. Consequences finally mean something again. It has been way too long since they have. But now we have a legitimate President and Vice President, and we have a quality Justice Department that is not going to take any crap. This is a fine day for lady Justice.

No doubt Bannon will go to jail. He will fit right in, I believe. And he will attempt to turn this into a positive as he undoubtedly will figure Trump owes him something for all his hardships.

Only here’s the thing — Trump is a sociopath just like Bannon. One sociopath is bad enough — but two? Well, that will no doubt be a shitshow. Here is my prediction for the future of these two scoundrels, and it goes something like this:

Bannon will be confident Trump owes him EVERYTHING. Bannon will believe this because this is what narcissists generally believe when doing favors for others. No narcissist does a favor out of the goodness of their heart.

Only Bannon is expecting rewards from ANOTHER narcissist. Trump likely does not give a damn about Bannon, and his only concern where Bannon goes is how best to use him. So Trump won’t pay him back in any way.

Bannon, who has a habit of flying off the handle, will learn this the hard way. Then the fun begins. These two will turn on each other like conscienceless monsters tend to do. And then we will all sit back, popcorn in hand while the two nonentities proceed to try to destroy each other.

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