This is falling apart for Donald Trump

Is the Trump magic finally wearing thin? The Hill seems to think so, at least when it comes to his endorsed candidates. One of Trump’s candidates is Tudor Dixon, who is (pathetically) running against Gretchen Whitmer. Polls show Whitmer up by double digits. Republicans planned to knock Whitmer off her perch, thinking that people would be against her because of her stance on COVID 19, among other things to which they took issue. Instead, Trump decided to endorse a woman who is a staunch anti-abortionist, and we’ve seen how well that went over in Kansas. The decision to seek an abortion should rest with a woman, her family, and her doctor, but Republicans have always been about pushing their authoritarian beliefs on everyone else. Most don’t take kindly to that push, and it’s certainly not helping Dixon in Michigan. Neither is Trump.

Many Republicans cringe as Trump heads out to yet another rally in support of his chosen candidate. Doug Heye, a former communications director for the RNC, commented on the use of an endorsement from Donald Trump: “Here is the problem with these events: What does Trump do? He talks about the candidate that he is allegedly there to support for about 60 seconds, he may or may not insult the candidate-as he did with J.D. Vance-and then the rest of it is the Trump Grievance Tour.” When you talk about something, especially something that never happened, as much as Trump has, it begins to sound like a fly that gets stuck in the house. You can hear it, but after a while, it becomes background noise. That’s what Donald Trump is becoming: A tired, old, soon-to-die fly. He’s about as useful as one too, as his chosen candidates continue to drop like those dead flies.

Trump’s chosen ones in Pennsylvania, Mehmet Oz and Doug Mastriano, are both struggling mightily. When you add Herschel to the mix, you have a bag of losers. Walker, of course, is in a category of his own, as he is the most ridiculous candidate for office the world has ever seen. He is barely articulate (and that’s being generous), he makes up ridiculous stories that he delivers with conviction (he has a cure for COVID), and he has so many skeletons in his closet that it is surprising he can close the door. Walker, then, is in a losing class all his own, but he is endorsed by Trump, so there’s that. The polls are bearing that out. Just this week, the Cook Political Report changed its predictions in Michigan and Pennsylvania from “lean Democratic” to “likely Democratic.” The Hill claims to be surprised that Trump continues to endorse Dixon, given her pathetic standings, but that’s Trump for you: He’s always right, even when he’s not. He’ll find some outlandish way to spin the results once they’re in.

The thing is, Republicans overall aren’t doing as well as they hoped. They are still predicted to take the majority, though by a much slimmer margin. Let’s hope they don’t take it at all because they basically suck.

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