This is deranged, even for Donald Trump

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When it comes to leading America through the coronavirus crisis, Donald Trump has three problems. First, he negligently created it, so most of his “response” is now centered around trying to cover his own backside. Second, he’s a sociopath, so he doesn’t sound remotely natural when he occasionally says something about feeling empathy. Third, he’s far enough into senility that he can’t even get the line right when he tries it.

What Donald Trump was trying to say today was that while the U.S. death toll in the coronavirus crisis is tragically and unacceptably high, it could have been a lot worse if not for the heroic efforts of the American people. That line might have gained him some points.

Instead, because Trump is fully sociopathic and half senile, he ended up saying this: “Our death totals, our numbers, per million people, are really very, very strong. We’re very proud of the job we’ve done.” It’s bad enough that he’s trying to credit himself instead of first responders. It’s even worse that he’s referring to the U.S. death total as “strong.” What kind of deranged loon talks like that?

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