This is an absolute disaster for the RNC

The DNC takes a lot of heat because, frankly, a lot of Democratic Party supporters don’t really understand what the DNC’s job is, or even how competitive elections are funded and won. But given that the Democratic Party has over-performed in every election cycle since Jaime Harrison became DNC Chair, it tells you that the DNC is doing a solid job.

On the other side of the fence it’s fairly obvious that the RNC is a mess. Donald Trump gutted its leadership a few years ago and put his buddies in charge (some of whom ended up having to resign, some of whom ended up indicted), and the RNC has never been particularly competent ever since. RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel keeps racking up loss after loss in each election cycle, but no one ever bothers to replace her, presumably because a senile Trump likes her.

If you don’t want to have to take my word for it that the DNC is doing a strong job and the RNC is falling to pieces, all you have to do is look at the numbers. New fundraising numbers were just released, and for the second month in a row, the DNC outraised the RNC by a roughly two to one margin.

Keep in mind that direct donations to the DNC and RNC are only a very small fraction of the overall pie. Most people give directly to specific candidates, or give to PACs that support certain groups of candidates and such. In that sense direct donations to the DNC or RNC can be interpreted as a vote of confidence about how each group is being run.

It’s clear that for all the griping by clueless people on social media, a whole lot of Democratic Party supporters think the DNC is doing a solid job and thus want to help fund it directly. It’s also clear that not many Republican Party supporters think there’s any point in donating to the RNC. And that tells you all you need to know.

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