This is all unraveling for Trump and the Republicans

Matt Gaetz is embarrassed by the military’s leadership but he’s okay paling around with Joel Greenberg’s buddy, Governor DeSantis. DeSantis, in turn, upheld subpoenaed records concerning Halsey Beshears, perhaps even illegally. Beshears was reportedly named in a grand jury subpoena, along with Matt Gaetz, as part of an ongoing federal investigation into alleged sex trafficking. Margery Taylor Greene is accusing her colleagues of being pro-pedophile, yet she is thrilled to support Matt Gaetz. And in Tennessee the GOP has legislation that would set no age limit on marriage between “a man” and “a woman”, opening up the legal possibility of a grown man marrying a 5-year-old.

When you’re through throwing up, let’s just get this straight. The party that has a high tolerance for child sex trafficking is the Republican Party. Make them own this. All of it. Every minute of every day. We don’t care how clean a candidate is in the midterms, if they’re Republican, make them own this. Make them the Pedophile Party because there’s enough hard evidence of their tolerance of it to stain them all.

Another reminder: Trump was credibly accused in a lawsuit of raping a 13-year-old girl before she pulled it out of fear. Just the cloud of this lawsuit would’ve been enough for the Dems to pull the support of a candidate. The Republicans didn’t blink. White males get to “misbehave” while the females get accused of being “whores” even if they’re children and have been raped. Smear this on them 24/7 until they rot in the midterms.

It’s an upside-down world right now. But on a good note, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin looked like he wanted to rip Matt Gaetz’s head off when he was answering him, and we commend him for his control. His tempered reaction alone proves our military is in great shape.

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