No wonder this idiot went bankrupt six times

Days ago, Donald Trump infamously told U.S. Governors that they were on their own, urging them to try to acquire emergency medical supplies on their own as the coronavirus crisis worsens. Sure enough, the Governors have indeed gone out and attempted to buy supplies so they can be put to use by medical professionals. But it turns out there’s a huge problem.

Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker, a Republican, informed Donald Trump during a videoconference today that his state can’t buy supplies because it keeps getting outbid by Donald Trump’s federal government. That’s right, Trump is so blitheringly inept at this, he told Governors to go out there and buy supplies themselves, without being aware that his own federal government was still buying up the supplies.

The stunning failure here is that because Donald Trump urged Governors to go out and bid on these supplies themselves, he appears to have unwittingly created a bidding war between the states and the federal government, thus forcing the government to overpay for the supplies. No wonder this idiot went bankrupt six times.

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