This Ginni Thomas scandal just keeps getting uglier

Look, there are many criminals in this world. Our country has its hands full. We have professional liars, insurrectionists, traitors, and just plain psychos. It takes time to get to them all. But enough is enough! Enough is enough with Ginni Thomas.
The wife of the worst Supreme Court Justice in history has much to answer for. And that time should be now — or pretty soon. Ginni Thomas is an insurrection supporter. And she may even be an insurrectionist herself. She certainly SEEMS to be.
She reportedly pestered 29 Arizona lawmakers to help overturn the 2020 election. Not the actions of a sane and law-abiding woman. And what of her husband, blithely moving along, without seemingly a care in the world, refusing as of this writing to disqualify himself in cases where he needs to be disqualified?
Clarence and Ginni Thomas are not above the law. They certainly seem to think they are. It would appear they think themselves invincible. But America has enough problems without adding a real-life political Bonnie and Clyde. Something has got to give.
Ginny Thomas obviously does not believe in the rule of law. She does not think anybody’s opinion matters — except her own — and that of her wretched husband. And Clarence Thomas, in my opinion, needs to be impeached or at least interviewed. He is a walking sham and a constant humiliation to the rule of law.
Since Justice Roberts seems unable to handle his own court, it falls to us to lend a hand. Because the court is going off the track — mostly due to a pair of emboldened and narcissistic people who appear to think the earth revolves around them.
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