This doesn’t add up

At least three previous White House COVID outbreaks quickly fizzled. When Trump’s valet tested positive, it didn’t spread. When Katie Miller tested positive, it didn’t spread. And so on. It’s not like this White House did much to stop those outbreaks either. But this latest White House outbreak, seemingly everyone who’s exposed is catching it.
It’s not just that so many of the people who were initially exposed in the Rose Garden ended up catching it. It’s that so many of the people who have been exposed to those people have also caught it. Did the White House relax its already-weak precautions? Did the high initial viral load from the Rose Garden super spreader event set the stage for the virus continuing to be passed around so strongly? What’s going on?
Just how potent is this current White House outbreak? Stephen Miller didn’t catch coronavirus back when his wife had it, but he’s caught it now. That doesn’t even make sense, unless the circumstances of the current outbreak are vastly different than the previous White House outbreaks.
Of course we won’t get these answers in a timely manner, because the Trump White House is working to suppress the number of positive tests and sabotage contact tracing, rather than facilitating it. But the ugly truth will come out eventually about why this White House coronavirus cluster is just so potent and contagious.