They’re trying to take everything

Franklin D. Roosevelt first raised the issue of social insurance (which ultimately became social security) in 1932 as a means of protecting Americans from economic disaster. Based on what Roosevelt observed from European countries, he believed that social security was the way to go for the United States. In essence, we would fund our own retirements through automatic deductions taken by our employers and put them safely away until we reach the age of retirement. The U.S. government has been doing this for years and have been holding onto millions of people’s money. Republicans have been trying for some time to put a stop to Social Security and Medicare. Now that I’m almost there, they want me to sit quietly by while they steal money that has been taken out of my check for 40+ years. If they thought Medea was “diary of a mad Black woman,” they haven’t seen one until they touch my benefits.

Social Security and Medicare are not “entitlements.” Every working adult in the U.S. has been forced to contribute to both. We didn’t ask to contribute; we didn’t have a choice. My money had damned well better be there when I need it. We all know that Social Security isn’t enough, and yes, I have investment accounts. That’s beside the point. The money the U.S. government has taken out of my check is MY money, and I want it back. Raw Story recently ran a piece that has me thinking about this. According to Raw Story, there are two cases before the Supreme Court that might shut down the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, which will take Social Security and Medicare with it. We now have six justices on the Court who are part and parcel of dismantling these programs. Clarence Thomas is friends with (and has benefitted from) the Koch brothers, and evidence shows that the current makeup of SCOTUS was specifically designed for this purpose.

Congress has had the power to strengthen laws surrounding Social Security and Medicare but has declined to do so. We are all at the mercy of billionaires and corrupt justices who are beholden to those billionaires. They would like to see all regulatory agencies shut down while turning Social Security, Medicare, and other programs into private enterprises. That’s fine; send me a six-figure check and do what you want.

The rich already don’t pay their fair share of taxes, and they have never wanted anyone else benefiting from their riches, which is why “trickle down” never worked. Now, they’re using their money to hurt everyone else. This cannot go on. SCOTUS has already gutted portions of the EPA. They pay no mind to the Constitution or the law. The vast majority are from oil and gas families, including Neil Gorsuch, Amy Coney Barrett, John Roberts, Samuel Alito, and Brett Kavanaugh. Don’t sit idly by while these rich people take everything you’ve worked for. Call your congressmen and woman and let them know you’re not down with this. Flood the Senate Judiciary Committee with calls and letters. Whatever it takes, ensure that they keep their hands off your hard-earned dollars.

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