They’re back!

As the world of politics continues its spin, a shadow has been cast over Capitol Hill. This shadow is morose and sullen, a gray dour shadow whose mopey reflections showcase the shadow’s brooding and useless nature. It is the shadow of the House Republican Caucus. They’re back!
One lovely thing about the holiday break was not having to see Mike Johnson, Marjorie Taylor Scream, Matt Gaetz, and all the other cheerless members of the crazy caucus. But now they’re back. And, of course, their presence is casting a pall over Capitol Hill already! Only not for us — for them.
We are only in the second week of January! Let’s look at where the GOP House caucus is right now. They all hate Mike Johnson. Alas — Johnson has not endeared himself to the more psychotic members of the House caucus. Whispers abound, and some want to oust him. But who on earth would they find to take this miserable pathetic job?
What else? Well, one of their very own is under investigation for possible domestic abuse. Lauren Boebert can’t seem to stay out of the news. Her very name has become a joke that all but the most insane coworkers of hers do not hesitate to chortle at.
The Border? But Republicans don’t want President Biden’s approval numbers to climb! Therefore, they are in for a task. That task is PRETENDING to care about the border while rejecting any ideas to fix it.
Resignations and absences. The majority is down to the wire. The GOP majority may downright evaporate if any other Republicans decide to hightail it out of there, which wouldn’t be a surprise to this writer because being there must be like being in purgatory.
Then there’s James Comer and Gym Jordan or as I have dubbed them — the toxic two. I guess Gym will continue his political stalking, trying to intimidate various attorneys prosecuting Donald Trump. All Gym and Comer will get from it is laughter.
Kevin McCarthy? He’s gone, baby, gone. Last I heard, he was serving Jury Duty. Yes, he’s one of the little people now and must deal with those most human of tasks like serving jury duty.
The whole caucus is in a fury that the government likely will not shut down, proving that the GOP certainly has their priorities in the right place! So yes, a shadow has been cast over Capitol Hill as incompetence comes home to roost. Fortunately, they will be out of power soon when we take back the house.