These people are idiots

Picture a scenario where you – and I — and everyone reading this article — were soldiers. We were soldiers fighting for a cause. We were galvanized, ready, and calm. Then we found out the people who would be leading us were Gym Jordan and James Comer.

We’d RUN!! We’d run because the only place those two toilet bowls would lead us was off a cliff. Incredibly, EVEN NOW, as their House majority hangs in the balance, Gym (subject of soon-to-be-released Clooney film) and Comer (still searching for missing Whistleblowers) are continuing to flail, threaten, and do foolish and self-destructive things.

The two goofballs have written a letter. It is to Merrick Garland and consists of Screams shrieks and threats to hold him in contempt. That’s right. Our two resident geniuses are threatening to hold the head of the Department of Justice in contempt of court.

We have reached the highest point in the mountain of stupid. The two are demanding unredacted copies of audio transcripts of Hur’s interview with Biden and his ghostwriter. Good luck with that, you tiny-brained meat-heads.

“If you fail to so so, the Committees will consider taking further action, such as the invocation of contempt of Congress proceedings.”

Oh my gosh. This letter confirms my theory that some people were cursed to be born without brains. I do not know what lives in the skulls of these two windbags, but it isn’t brains. Perhaps rocks? Certainly Hot air.

I like to envision a world where people learn from their mistakes, where on a star-filled evening, the person with rocks for brains suddenly has an epiphany about how dumb they are and jumps up, as a light-bulb flashes on, telling them to seek out the elusive thing called intelligence.

That will not happen with these two. Do they POSSIBLY expect Merrick Garland to receive this letter and say, “Oh no!!! Gym Jordan is mad at me! I’m shaking!”

Perhaps this is red meat for their increasingly dwindling base of supporters. The problem for them is that everything they touch shrivels and dies, including love, honor, and simple human dignity. I’d like to know who their next letter will be to.

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