These House Republicans aren’t fooling anyone with this latest stunt

All too often, the Democratic agenda is derided as not being sufficient enough, not being prolific enough, or too ambitious to pass – and then any GOP opposition to their plans is just treated as another obstacle that they have to overcome. The focus whenever the GOP has control of Congress is hardly ever on new legislation and ideas they might have – and consequently, Republicans never have any.

They just try and undo any increment of progress that was made before they got there, while stealing credit for the good things their predecessors did. Despite the promises of the new Republican House that just got elected, and their claim to have upheld their promise on 11 different priorities, the House GOP hasn’t gotten anything consequential passed in their three months of office.

Despite claims that they repealed the 87,000 new agents hired by the IRS – such a thing can’t be true because these 87,000 agents never existed to begin with. They also haven’t blocked petroleum sales to China, as this proposal, like just about everything else they’ve done – died in the Senate.

All they’ve succeeded in doing was opening a few temporarily closed government buildings and stolen credit for stopping a vaccine mandate that they also had nothing to do with. Despite House Leader Steve Scalise’s promise to have 11 proposals ready to go from the new House, all the Republicans have managed to do is make noise about who’s to blame for a clean bill on the debt limit. It’s yet another reminder why keeping these clowns out of power is always a fight worth having. Let’s show them the door in 2024.

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