There’s something wrong with Samuel Alito

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The legal profession is a tight one. And if someone high up on the pecking order screws up, chances are it will have consequences for the screwer upper. And this is what’s happening to Samuel Alito right now. Alito’s attempted preemption of the Pro Publica article made him look like a fool. And other legal eagles are noticing.

In an article published in Sunday, by the Los Angeles Times, two such people there on the wayward Justice. They are Lea Litman, a Professor at Michigan law school and Melissa Murray who teaches at New York University. In the article, they describe Alito’s response as “bizarre” and note that Alito seemed “bitter.”

I suppose he is. And it’s a sad thing. Think about what most people want out of life. Food. Shelter. Some want children. Some also wanted a meaningful profession that they love.

Alito’s got all that and more. He is ridiculously wealthy by any standard, he’s got a job for life doing what he loves to do, he’s got friends, and he’s got lots of reading material such as opinions of ancient Judges who believed in witchcraft. What more could a cranky Alito want?

Not letting anyone have a differing opinion of him seems like the wish he’d ask the Genie in a bottle to grant. And that’s noted in this article where the two professors note that Alito chose to write his rebuttal in an “ideologically friendly outlet.”

And they note that Alito appears “agrieved” that anyone would have the “audacity” to criticize or disagree with him. And they sum up the bitter, scowling Justice perfectly: “Because even though Samuel Alito is a Supreme Court Justice with lifetime tenure and all the power that position entails, he still wants more.”

How sad. How ungrateful. The man has everything, and still, he can’t be happy. He can’t be happy because all people everywhere don’t idolize him. Sound like anyone else (orange) we know?

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