There’s something wrong with Jake Tapper

Since President Biden became our President, I decided to try not to get too worked up about things in the crazy world of politics. This is not one of those times. This article is not one that I’m happy writing, but I feel I must. It is unlike me to go after a specific (Non-Fox) pundit in writing. But that is precisely what I must do.

Let me backtrack a bit first. I was stunned and saddened to hear about the passing of Queen Elizabeth. Yet I chose not to write about it. There are a few reasons for that, but one of them is that I knew my colleague Robert Harrington would come out with something beautiful — a magnificent and emotionally moving tribute which, of course, he did. And that article is among the best tributes I’ve seen to the Queen. Do you know who didn’t? CNN’s Jake Tapper.

I cannot mention the orange traitor’s name in the same article as the Queen, so I will not. But I will tell you about what Jake Tapper did and why I am asking you to boycott his show. CNN did a panel discussion. And during this discussion, Tapper suggested that Biden invite the insurrectionist to the Queen’s funeral and that it would be about “forgiveness,” and be clever of Biden to do this.

I was stunned — stunned and outraged and infuriated. So were thousands of other people. First off, that’s not happening. But let’s talk about Tapper’s motivations and his extraordinary bad taste in even daring to MENTION this idea.

There are always — in life — those people who like to cause drama. They are gossipy and foul and care naught for things like class, respectability, and moral decency. I think Tapper is one of those people. I highly doubt he did this for anything other than to stir the pot. He accomplished that alright, but it might be to his detriment as a “journalist.”

“Destroyed your reputation.” Thousands — perhaps millions of people are saying this and other things on Twitter. To date, I have seen almost no positive comments. Tapper’s motivations are about relevancy. He should be ashamed of himself; I do not say that lightly. And that is why, dear readers, I have decided never to watch this person again, even for five seconds. Might I suggest you do the same?

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