There’s just no such thing

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After the Herschel Walker debate on Friday night, a CNN panel discussed it. And one of the panel members brought up a familiar Republican talking point that I want to discuss because, in my opinion, it isn’t getting enough coverage.

Republican CNN analyst Scott Jennings claimed Warnock has “no limit” on when an abortion should end and supports abortion up to the moment of birth. I must give Alisyn Camerota credit — she called out Jennings and said that just isn’t true — and it’s not.

But it IS a familiar talking point. Republicans adore saying that Democrats are baby killers, and often, they say we support abortions up to the moment of birth. There is just one problem with that analysis. There is no such thing as an up-to-the-moment-of-birth abortion.

I do wish this was covered with more regularity. I think many of us know someone who has had an abortion — sometimes more than one person. I doubt ANY of us know someone who decides to get an abortion the day the baby is born.

It is a non-existent issue — just like the strangers coming for guns or critical race theory being taught in elementary schools. The fact is abortion is usually not safe after a certain point, and any medical doctor worth their salt knows that. It is just another “scare tactic” on the part of Republicans. And it is a bit sickening.

The GOP are the ones playing politics with abortion, not the Democrats. I challenge ANY Republican to come up with one example of a woman having an abortion at nine months. It’s ridiculous. It doesn’t happen. Don’t be fooled, undecided voters.

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