There is something seriously wrong with Trump stooge Herschel Walker

Herschel Walker is running to be the next Senator from Georgia. However, he has an issue. The issue is that Walker, like many of his GOP colleagues, can’t seem to stop saying stupid things. Walker appears to be doing this on a regular basis. And some of these stupid things are receiving much press. Like the one, I’m about to tell you about.

Walker was speaking to people at A Trump rally. And his subject of choice was Critical Race Theory.

CRT has firmly made it into the hearts of Republicans as almost all of them are using those words to terrify American parents all over the country.

Walker seemed to ATTEMPT to do just that. But he ran into an issue. And that issue was his receiver appears to be off the hook when it came to thinking before talking.

Walker railed against — SOMETHING alright — only nobody knew what it was. Because Walker spoke about “CTR.” What the heck is CTR? Many people mumbled. He got the letters wrong—more than once. He spoke about his outrage over CTR — and let’s just say he did not appear to know he was talking about something that does not exist.

He said he was so tired of “CTR” being taught in classrooms. Look — The guy has a history of abuse, so he should never have even thought about running. What was he thinking? That’s the thing. I’m not sure he WAS thinking. I hope Walker rethinks his candidacy and drops out of the race.

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