There is nothing left of Donald Trump

During his rally speech last night, Donald Trump claimed Mark Zuckerberg visited him at the White House last week. No really, last week. Trump didn’t just misspeak either. He went into detail about this supposed recent meeting, including how Zuckerberg admitted that Trump is “#1 on Facebook.” Keep in mind that Trump has been banned from Facebook since early 2020. Yet Trump is certain that this conversation with Zuckerberg happened last week. In the White House.

If anything, Trump’s fading mind appears to be reliving his “glory days” from back when he was in the White House, and as his mind fades, he thinks those memories are happening right now, as opposed to having happened years ago. It’s a classic sign of early onset dementia.

Of course Trump’s mind has been going for for awhile. Trump has presented as some degree of senile in every public appearance he’s had since leaving office. In fact he’s never seemed like himself ever since he left the hospital and hit the campaign trail while still severely ill with COVID. It’s as if that pushed him over the edge.

It’s presumably why his handlers have been trying to keep him out of the public eye for the past year and a half. When he does periodically surface, everyone sees there’s nothing left of his mind. And even if his base doesn’t care, the general public sees that he’s far too senile to be taken seriously in any conversations about the 2024 election.

But even with Trump now periodically popping up in public and coming off as this senile, it’s nothing short of remarkable that the media is almost entirely ignoring how far gone Trump’s mind is. Trump was, obviously, never psychologically all there to begin with. But it’s just as obvious that the Trump we’re seeing now is not the same guy, cognitively, that he used to be.

Of course if the media admits that Trump is half senile, it won’t be able to keep milking the “Trump 2024” narrative for ratings until he’s indicted. But you’d think the media would have to say something now that Trump is revealing he’s so far gone, he believes he was holding meetings in the White House last week. Will this prompt CNN to finally ask tough questions on air about Trump’s cognitive abilities? Or does CNN only reserve such questions for when Joe Biden stutters?

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