There is nothing left of Donald Trump

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On Friday evening I wrote that Donald Trump’s worsening senility was still looming large on a day when he didn’t speak. It was a reminder that the only days the headlines about his senility go away are the days when he disappears. And since he can’t disappear every day while also pretending to be a political candidate, he’s boxed in. It’s a no win situation. He can’t appear in public, and he can’t not appear in public.

Sure enough, Trump tried giving a speech at a sneaker convention on Saturday. He was promptly booed, in a reminder that he’s toxically unpopular everywhere outside of his own cult base. It was also a reminder that Trump is now so broke, he’s reduced to hawking sneakers in public, even though he was obviously going to get booed and the political optics were going to be terrible. It was also a reminder that when Trump’s handlers suggest he do something as humiliating as getting booed at a shoe convention for a few bucks, he’s too senile to have the sense to say no.

Then came the main course later on Saturday, when Trump went to Michigan and tried to give a full blown political speech. At no point did Trump say anything that could have been considered a speech. Or intelligible. Some of it didn’t even consist of real words.

Trump announced that he’s running for a third term, which means he’s either too senile to count to two without landing on three, or he’s so far gone that he thinks he’s currently in office serving his second term.

Trump also decided that President Joe Biden’s name is now “Bigrant” and then pointed at his own head and referred to himself as “smart” for coming up with the name. Trump then decided that the Michigan primary is in late November. Then he called it a very important date, without correcting himself. By the time Trump gave away that he no longer understands how wind works, it was just piling in

Trump also began attacking E. Jean Carroll during the speech, seemingly deciding that the half a billion dollars he’s lost in the past month wasn’t enough, and that he wants to lose another hundred million.

So here we’ve got a fully senile Donald Trump going out there on Saturday and once again ensuring another news cycle worth of headlines about how senile he is. We’ve also got Trump hastening his own financial demise by attacking the one woman in the world whose name he’d stop mentioning if he had any marbles left at all.

Trump is finishing himself off politically by continuing to give senile speeches, and he’s finishing himself off financially as well. There’s already nothing left of him, and this is before his firs criminal trial gets underway next month. If the Republicans really want to nominate this guy on his way down, then so be it.

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